Thursday, 20 April 2023

Petrobras on the expansion of RNEST capacity

Petrobras informs that it has signed a contract to expand and modernize units already in operation at Abreu e Lima Refinery (RNEST), in Pernambuco. After the completion of the works, expected for the fourth quarter of 2024, the refinery will have an increase in the total processing capacity of Train 1: from the current 115 thousand barrels of oil per day (bpd) to 130 thousand bpd, as foreseen in the Strategic Plan 2023-2027.

The units involved are atmospheric distillation, delayed coking and auxiliary units. The modernization of these units is strategic for Petrobras and for the country, since it will make it feasible to increase the supply of diesel for the Brazilian market as of 2025.